7.30pm: Tytherington Local History Group
Tytherington Baptist Church
All meetings take place at 7.30pm in the Schoolroom, which is located at the rear of the Baptist Church on Itchington Road.
The Vale of Berkeley Railway - Howard Parker
A talk on the trials and tribulations of building a new heritage railway in the 21st Century.
All welcome, £2 members and £3 for visitors. Talks last about an hour and are followed by refreshments. For further details email Richard Stead - ricardostead@icloud.com or Valerie Johnson - valj475@gmail.com.
MyThornbury.co.uk is delighted to promote events and information for Tytherington.
It's a thriving village, with a popular pub, a busy shop and Post Office, and plenty of traditional annual celebrations, such as the May Day Fair and the Village Fun Day.
You'll find village events listed at the bottom of this page and in the calendar.
Plus you can browse the directory for information about local groups, organisations and businesses.
Click here to let us know what you'd like to advertise.
Nikki, Shane and family welcome you to the newly refurbished Swan, a beautiful country pub where you will receive a warm and friendly welcome. We offer a fine selection of drinks along with a traditional country home-cooked menu with interesting specials.
It's family and dog friendly, with ample parking and a large rear garden, so pop in and say hello. We look forward to welcoming you.
Open Mon-Sat 12:00 - 23:00, Sun 12:00 - 22.00.
Food served Mon-Sat 12:00 - 21:00, Sun 12:00 - 15.00 and 17:30 - 20.00.
Duck Street, Tytherington GL12 8QB
Tel: 01454 413288
Since 1998 Tytherington village shop has been at the heart of the community and village life; ‘run by the community for the community’.
The shop opens seven days a week to provide a wide range of provisions, including fresh produce such as milk, bread, and eggs. Our "Pick and Mix" sweet mix in very popular with children, and some adults! We also operate a seven days a week daily newspaper service. The integral post office continues to be a crucial element within the community and opens each weekday morning. We offer friendly service, good parking and easy access.
Our opening hours are currently:
Shop: Monday 7.30am – 1.00pm, Tuesday to Friday 7.30am – 1.00pm and 2.30 – 4.30pm, Saturday 7.30 – 10.30am, Sunday 8.30 - 10.30am
Post Office: Monday and Thursday 9.00am – 1.00pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9.00 – 11.30am
Why not pop in to see all we have to offer?
The shop is totally dependent on the hard work and commitment of community volunteers, and we are always on the lookout for new volunteers to ensure we can maintain and expand our service. If you have a little time come and join us!
Click here to download our information leaflet, published in 2019, and see below for a link to the Shop’s page on the Tytherington Parish Council website.
Click here to like us on our Facebook page.
Itchington Road, Tytherington GL12 8QE
Tel: 01454 417618
The Bungalow, Cutts Heath GL12 8PX
Tel: 01454 260018
New House Farm, Tytherington GL12 8QB
Tel: 07790 376910
St. James' Church dates back to 1170, the first Rector was Robert of Wych from 1275 to 1309, then in the Worcester Diocese. The church is the focal point of the village, set at the cross roads, opposite the village pub, village green and playground. The building itself has changed very little since it was first built, except for The Chancel being shorted by ten feet in 1779 as it was in such a poor state of repair! That is not the case now and it is well cared for with a good organ and a very enthusiastic team of Bellringers.
Duck Street, Tytherington GL12 8QB
We are a small friendly church near Thornbury. We hold weekly services, usually at 11am on Sunday mornings, sometimes in conjunction with St James.
We also run activities including a Sunday School, an after-school group and a Holiday Bible Club.
For more information and to check services times, please email Pastor Brian Allen below.
Itchington Road, Tytherington GL12 8QE
Tel: 0117 979 3104
Tel: 07599 141152
A glimpse into the past of the parish of Tytherington
Visitors and new members are very welcome to come along to our monthly Friday meetings at 7.30pm. For further details email Richard Stead - ricardostead@icloud.com or Valerie Johnson - valj475@gmail.com
Baptist Church School Room, 2 Itchington Road, Tytherington GL12 8QE
Our responsibility is to represent the interests of all residents of Tytherington parish, whether this be environmental issues, planning applications, the preservation and improvement of our open spaces, community facilities or recreational matters. We aim to fulfil the needs and represent the views of all members of our community, for their enjoyment as well as that of visitors and, of course, future generations.
Tel: 01454 416637
Tytherington Village Hall, Itchington Lane, Tytherington GL12 8QE
Tel: 07553 811803
Itchington Road, Tytherington GL12 8QE
Tel: 01454 415523
Tytherington village hall is the hub at the centre of village life. As a Committee we are currently looking for several people from within the village to join us on the committee. In addition the committee are also looking for someone who is willing to take on the role of treasurer.
These are obviously voluntary roles providing the ideal opportunity to support and drive community engagement by ensuring the effective management of such a vital landmark.
If anybody would be interested in joining a friendly and proactive committee please do not hesitate to contact Richard Williams on 07971 492438.
We are always on the lookout for new volunteers, and we have been very pleased to welcome new members in recent months. These include young people keen to make a positive impact in the community, as well as new residents who are working in the shop as a way of getting to know people and establish links in the village.
If you can help, we shall be very pleased to hear from you. Email below, phone the shop or pop in.
Itchington Road, Tytherington GL12 8QE
Tel: 01454 417618
We are a happy and friendly group who meet on the 3rd Monday of each month (except August and December). Meetings usually start at 7.30pm, but in January, February and March we meet in the afternoon from 2pm.
We welcome new members, of all ages, as well as past ones who may be interested in rejoining. Perhaps you might like to come along as a visitor(s) to try us out — we promise a big welcome!
The WI promises to provide all kinds of opportunities for all kinds of women. We support village activities as well as enjoying two or three coach trips each year.
For more information, please email President Valerie Vizard or call Secretary Pam Shipp on 01454 417833.
Tytherington Village Hall, Itchington Road, Tytherington GL12 8QE