Helen Harrison's "Mission and PhD Feedback"
Thornbury Baptist Church
Come and join Helen as she shares about the different missional aspects of her overseas work. These include the '360Life' training programme that she delivers to a range of organisations including prison chaplains (and others) and a bit on CRED.
Helen will also include a very summarised version of her recent PhD, in answer to the repeated question 'What was your PhD about?' NB the simplified title of the PhD was 'post-traumatic wellbeing for women who have been forcibly displaced by war' and the research was carried out in refugee and displacement settlements in Uganda.
As well as sharing about her recent exploits, Helen will share about the new mission fields that God is calling her to.
NB The event will include cuppa and cake. No pre-booking is required but if you know you are coming, please let Helen (07966 034584) or the office know, so that enough cake can be provided. You are equally welcome to just turn up!