Art History Course: Gods and Heroes 3
The Chantry, Thornbury
10.30am–3.15/45pm - tea and short informal discussion session from 3.15pm, fee: £35.00
3. Heroes: Cadmus, Perseus, Hercules and Jason
The Classical myths (from the Greek 'muthos', meaning story) tell tales of gods, heroes and monsters. They are filled with fantasy, yet reflect aspects of the human condition as relevant now as they were two millennia ago.
During the Italian Renaissance Classical Mythology became one of the noblest genres of art, due to its multi-figure compositions and learned subject matter. It was called 'history painting', from the Latin 'historia', meaning 'story' rather than factual event.
We will explore art's popular stories of Greek heroes: Cadmus, founder of Thebes and slayer of the Ismenian dragon; Perseus, slayer of the Gorgon and rescuer of Andromeda, the twelve labours of Hercules; Jason and his adventures with the Argonauts.
The stories explore heroism and vengeance, love and betrayal, triumph and tragedy, and more...
Former university lecturer Lynne Gibson is an experienced tutor with a vast collection of slides and her talks are always illuminating and inspiring.
To enrol please email Liz Wilkins below or call 07709 235798.