Thornbury Rotary Swimarathon - Enter Now!
Thornbury Active Centre
For 40 years hundreds of Thornbury & District people have helped Thornbury Rotary Club raise almost £500,000 by being sponsored to swim individual lengths in a team relay for 50 minutes all to the wonderful sound of a Caribbean steel band.
You can enter 2024’s event now. There are 3 sessions on Friday March 1st, starting at 6pm or 3 more sessions on Saturday March 2nd, starting at 3pm.
The annual event is hosted by Thornbury Active Centre, and has been generously supported financially or with services by many local companies large and small, enabling all individual sponsors' funds to be distributed.
Principal beneficiaries are chosen each year by the Club President, and grants to other charities and worthy causes are also made. There are two main beneficiaries from the 2024 event, St Peter’s Hospice and ButterflySpace.
For more information please click below.