Christmas Morning Masses
Christ The King Church, Thornbury
There will be two Masses on Christmas Day at Christ The King: the 9.00am Mass will be a “Quiet” Mass (no music).
The 10.30am Mass will include a “Live Crib” involving the children. The children are invited to dress up as Mary, Joseph, Angels, Shepherds or whatever they would prefer.
Any child who is interested in taking part in reading or acting on Christmas Day, please see Gemma on Sunday 15th December after the 10.30am Mass. There will be a practice and rehearsal after the 10.30am Mass on Sunday 22nd December.
We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these services and are very grateful to Fr Mario Lainez, SDS, who will be with us to celebrate the Masses over the Christmas period (from the Fourth Sunday of Advent).