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Precise Pilates with Sally Cullum

Certified Body Control Pilates Teacher

  • Mondays 9.15am & 10.30am in The Coach Hall and 6pm & 7.15pm in The Buckingham Room at The Chantry
  • Tuesdays 6pm in The Coach Hall at The Chantry

There is currently availability in all classes and a 7.15pm is planned when there is enough interest on the waiting list.

Classes are still operating with 2m distance between clients so numbers are currently reduced to 10 per class - numbers are kept small so that personal attention and correction can be provided. All clients are actively encouraged to work at a level that not only suits their own ability but also to work within the capabilities of their own body and not feel pressured to keep up with other clients.

Body Control Pilates is remarkably effective, and medically approved. Central to the method is an 'awareness of your own body' and each and every exercise is built around the eight basic principles: Relaxation, Concentration, Alignment, Breathing, Centring, Concentration, Stamina & Flowing Movements.

Tel: 07809 759858

Web: www.precisepilates.co.uk/

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