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Thornbury Methodist Church and Hall

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Thornbury Methodist Church and Hall

How to contact Thornbury Methodist Church

Find us at: High Street, Thornbury BS35 2AQ - the entrance to the Church Hall is via Castle Court.

Phone us on: 01454 418176

For information about current services and regular activities, as well as contact details, please visit facebook.

About Thornbury Methodist Church

Thombury has had a Methodist presence since 1789 when John Wesley preached in the "neat and commodious preaching house". The original building was vacated in 1878 when the congregation transferred to the present neo-Gothic building in the High Street.

Thornbury Methodist Church is at the northern and rural extremity of the Bristol and South Gloucestershire Circuit. The Church premises consist of a two storey annexe which provides upper and lower halls, kitchens, toilets, vestry and a quiet room.

The Church has developed a lay leadership and convenors who deal with most of the administrative aspects of church life - covering areas of Service, Worship, Evangelism and Learning & Caring. The convenors are supported by the Church Stewards.

Members are involved in a range of community activities, play a significant role in Circuit and District functions and there is an active group of Local Preachers.

The Church plays its part as a partner in "Thornbury Churches Together" and shares a ministry to the local hospital.

The halls are rented to community groups (contact or telephone Pam Cockwell 01454 413116).

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