10am: Meet Your Councillors
Thornbury Town Hall
Thornbury Town Councillors will be holding ‘Meet Your Councillor’ sessions in the Town Hall on the High Street from 10.00am to 12.30pm.
This is an opportunity to meet your local elected representatives and to let them know your thoughts, concerns and hopes for the Town, to help make Town Council decision making representative of the community.
The regular ‘Meet Your Councillor’ sessions will be held on the last Saturday of the month (with the exception of August and December) to coincide with market day. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available. Please do call in!
Upcoming dates:
29th March 2025
26th April 2025
Address: The Town Hall, 35 High Street, Thornbury BS35 2AR
Tel: 01454 412103 (Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4.30pm)
Website: www.thornburytowncouncil.gov.uk
Photographs on this page are kindly supplied by RichMcD Photography.
Empty medicine blister packs aren’t currently accepted in household recycling programmes, but now you can simply drop them into our recycling box at the town hall during office hours — easy as that!
Don’t let those empty blister packs go to waste — give them a new lease of life! The collected blister packs will be recycled into raw materials. These raw materials can be used to create products such as benches, plant pots, compost bins, and even playground equipment!
This box does not accept:
We’re running this as a trial and will record how long it takes to fill the box. This will help us decide if we can make it a regular recycling initiative. Your participation is key to making it a success — every little bit helps!
Together, we can reduce waste and protect the planet.
For more information, please see the Climate and Nature page on our website: www.thornburytowncouncil.gov.uk/climate-nature.
Click here to download an open letter from Thornbury's Town Centre Partnership to Andrew Birch, who is leading on the implementation of parking charges in South Gloucestershire. Claire Young MP and our local ward councillors have also been copied. The letter was sent on October 31st 2024.
Thornbury Town Council are responding to the announcement of the incoming parking charges by South Gloucestershire Council (SGC).
The Town Council became aware of the specific detail via the press release on 30th September 2024. The Town Council were invited to a stakeholder event, with limited participants, on the 2nd October which confirmed the details and allowed for questions and concerns to be put forward to SGC.
The concerns raised at this meeting reinforced the expected significant impact on residents, workers, volunteers and visitors.
The community have taken to social media and have shared their views highlighting that parking charges take away the convenience of going to the town, businesses fear the financial impact of the charges through deterring customers and reducing foot traffic in the town, displacement of parking, along with commuting workers who will need to find £1,000 for a permit or £9 per day from their salaries.
A spokesperson for the Town Council has said “we are seeing and hearing the concerns being raised and sympathise with people’s frustrations”.
Thornbury Town Council have previously objected to the parking charges and responded accordingly in the public consultation held by SGC. However, the Town Council have not been included in discussions about the details related to the charges.
Whilst we understand the budgetary reason SGC have made the decision to bring them in, we have concerns with the implementation. The Town Council will be looking into the feasibility of challenging this, with the intention of identifying if improvements can be made to relieve some of the difficulties this brings to the community.
For members of the community who wish to communicate with SGC, they have advised the following email can be used: .
The Town Council will be arranging an opportunity for the community to voice their opinions with more details to follow.
The Town Council is responsible for running Thornbury, and it's your first point of call if you want to find out more about where you live or how the town operates.
The Town Hall is easy to find, right on the High Street in a Grade 2 listed former police station. Although you're normally welcome to drop in any time, while COVID-19 restrictions are in place you must make an appointment in advance.
It houses the Council chamber, offices and community facilities.
The building is also home to the Town Council's Tourist Information Centre, South Gloucestershire Citizen's Advice Bureau, Thornbury and District Volunteer Link, and Thornbury Pensioners' Drop in Centre.
A Full Council meeting takes place every few weeks. Under normal circumstances meetings are held at 7.30pm at the Town Hall and Councillors must attend if they're able. Currently meetings are being held via Zoom.
Members of the public can attend any of the Council and Committee meetings. (The committee meetings vary in start times). There's an opportunity at each meeting for any of us to speak or ask questions on any relevant topic.
The Council has 16 members, each elected for four years. The town is divided into five wards: one of which has four councillors and the others 3. The Chairman of the Council, who is also Town Mayor, is elected by members each May.
Councillors serve on six committees: Outdoor Spaces, Planning and Town Development, Finance & Policy, Staffing, Buildings sub committee and Youth sub committee. Each of these submits reports and recommendations to full Council.
Some councillors are also representatives on outside bodies and attend their meetings too.
Click here to view the meeting schedule.
Known locally as the Thornbury Town Trust, this is a Registered Charity with seven trustees, three nominated by the Council. It helps organisations, groups and individuals in Thornbury.
The Trust owns property and land around Thornbury. It runs four almshouses and over 80 allotments on Daggs Field. If you would like to know more about the allotments, click here.
To contact the Trust, visit www.thornburytowntrust.uk.
You can hire the Council Chamber and its kitchenette for meetings or conferences. There is also an excellent exhibition/meeting room.
The Town Hall is fully accessible with a ramp on Silver Street and a lift to the first floor. Please contact the office staff for more details.
Thornbury has its own civic regalia, worn on appropriate occasions. The silver gilt Town Mace is carried by the longest-serving Councillor and is a replica of the solid silver original, which is in the Bristol Museum.
The Mayoral chain was created in silver by local craftsman John Pinch in 1974. The Mayor's escort and the Deputy Mayor also wear chains, and the Mayor and Lady Mayor wear robes and corned hats.